The folks at American Whitewater have been kind enough to indulge me by publishing a series of articles about packrafting in their 2020 issues. As a result, there’s no doubt that both of the people who read the articles are charging out and buying packrafts as we speak! According to the editor of the magazine I’ve said all there is to be said (he clearly doesn’t know me very well!) and this will be the last of the info-related stories until perhaps an odd trip report or two, maybe in the spring.
The first three are here, here (starting on pg 24), and here (but you don’t need to read them in order, of course). Below is the latest.

Thanks again to Mike Curiak and Benj Wadsworth for making these articles much better with their pro-level pics.
Regardless if you’re a new packrafter, a fired up kayaker, a salty old rafter, a one-time Grand Canyon private trip participant, or a once-in-a-while guided river trip passenger, American Whitewater is a great group to support, if for no other reason than you get a subscription to this fun magazine. They are amazingly effective at securing protections for rivers, advocating for recreational dam releases and access, and negotiating for dam removals, as well as being the definitive source for specific information on river flows and run descriptions.