This year the editor of the venerable American Whitewater Journal has been kind enough to indulge me (and the rest of the vast packraft world?) by letting me write a series of articles about packrafting. It’s been a really fun project so far. The first introductory/history article is here, and the second (using the River of Return trip as an example of what a packrafting trip can be) is here (starting on page 24). The third came out abut a month ago, and I’ve actually submitted the verbiage and photos for the fourth that will likely be out in a few weeks. I’ve pasted in a big image of the third article below.
If you aren’t yet a member of American Whitewater and are interested in rivers I can’t emphasize enough the value of indeed becoming a member. I’ve been an “Ender Club” ($100 annually) for as long as I’ve been paddling, and considering its humble size the org has had an outsized presence in the bureaucratic and development-oriented world of dam license renewals and has negotiated for dam releases for whitewater runs all over the country. It’s a worthy “investment” in our nation’s rivers. Here’s their info. Enjoy the article.

[…] first three are here, here (starting on pg 24), and here (but you don’t need to read them in order, of course). Below is the […]